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Rekreační areál Zlatá Opavice se nachází v podhůří Jeseníků, v obci Holčovice (23 km severozápadně od Krnova  a 13 km od Vrbna pod Pradědem). Součástí areálu je Hotel Zlatá Opavice, Pension Eliška a sportovní areál.

Jméno hotelu a celého areálu je odvozeno od řeky Opavice, v jejimž malebném údolí se celý komplex nachází.

Hotel i pension jsou ideálním výchozím místem pro návštěvy celého Jesenicka a okolí. Vyrazit můžete nejen na turistické túry a výlety, ale také cyklisté si přijdou na své. Holčovicemi prochází trasa dálkové cyklostezky Slezská magistrála, na kterou navazuje trasa lokální.

Pro milovníky odpočinku je k dispozici klubový bazén, sauna, masáže a fitness.

Pro rodiny s dětmi doporučujeme ranč s chovem koní v nedaleké osadě Hejnov a kousek od ranče najdete  park Eldorádo se sochami prehistorických živočichů a pohádkových postav, které v minulém století vytvořil pan František Jaich.

V údolí Komora poslouží žíznivým návštěvníkům minerální voda, která vyvěrá z hlubinného vrtu 1200 m pod zemí a slabě páchne po sirovodíku.


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The Zlatá Opavice recreational area is located in the foothills of the Jeseníky Mountains, in the village of Holčovice (23 km northwest of Krnov and 13 km from Vrbno pod Pradědem). The complex includes the Hotel Zlatá Opavice, Pension Eliška and a sports complex.
The name of the hotel and the whole complex is derived from the Opavice River, in whose picturesque valley the whole complex is located.
The hotel and the pension are ideal starting points for visiting the whole Jeseniky region and its surroundings. You can go not only on hiking tours and excursions, but also cyclists will come into their own. The route of the long-distance cycling trail Silesian Highway passes through Holčovice and is followed by a local trail.
For lovers of relaxation there is a club pool, sauna, massage and fitness.
For families with children, we recommend the ranch with horse breeding in the nearby settlement of Hejnov and a short distance from the ranch you will find the Eldorado Park with statues of prehistoric animals and fairy-tale characters created by Mr. František Jaich in the last century.
In the Komora valley, thirsty visitors will be served by mineral water that springs from a deep borehole 1200 m underground and smells faintly of hydrogen sulphide.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

The Zlatá Opavice recreational area is located in the foothills of the Jeseníky Mountains, in the village of Holčovice (23 km northwest of Krnov and 13 km from Vrbno pod Pradědem). The complex includes the Hotel Zlatá Opavice, Pension Eliška and a sports complex.

The name of the hotel and the whole complex is derived from the Opavice River, in whose picturesque valley the whole complex is located.

The hotel and the pension are ideal starting points for visiting the whole Jeseniky region and its surroundings. You can go not only on hiking tours and excursions, but also cyclists will come into their own. The route of the long-distance cycling trail Silesian Highway passes through Holčovice and is followed by a local trail.

For lovers of relaxation there is a club pool, sauna, massage and fitness.

For families with children, we recommend the ranch with horse breeding in the nearby settlement of Hejnov and a short distance from the ranch you will find the Eldorado Park with statues of prehistoric animals and fairy-tale characters created by Mr. František Jaich in the last century.

In the Komora valley, thirsty visitors will be served by mineral water that springs from a deep borehole 1200 m underground and smells faintly of hydrogen sulphide.